Uncategorized The first edition of an event with international projection The opening ceremony of the DES2016 event included the presence of prominent representatives of institutions and organizations involved in the development and promotion of the information society both within the... 31 May, 2016
Uncategorized A unique opportunity to get a feel for digital transformation The sixty sessions that took place on the first day of DES2016 were attended by world-class experts in the process of digital transformation of their companies in sectors as diverse... 31 May, 2016
Uncategorized Marketing is also embracing digitalization Regarding digital marketing, the conference has focused on different topics, from a introduction during the first session of the day with Jaime Castelló from ESADE, to advanced techniques such as... 31 May, 2016
Sin categorizar Uncategorized Digital Predator por Forrester Nigel Fenwick, VP & Principal Analyst en Forrester inauguró la segunda jornada de DES en el auditorio principal con su ponencia “Digital Predator or Digital Prey” (Depredador digital o presa... 31 May, 2016
Sin categorizar Uncategorized Fujitsu World Tour 2016 y DES: una sinergia ganadora Fujitsu ha apostado este año por celebrar su ya consolidado Fujitsu World Tour 2016 (http://www.fujitsu.com/es/microsites/worldtour2016/) en el marco de DES2016 para mostrar la más sofisticada propuesta tecnológica de transformación digital... 31 May, 2016
Sin categorizar Uncategorized Día 3 Resumen y presentación del país invitado 2017: Suecia La última jornada del Digital Enterprise Show 2016 ha tenido como protagonistas los programas del Congreso Masterminds, Digital Marketing Planet, Digital Demos y Liderazgo de la Mujer. Además, pudimos conocer... 31 May, 2016
Uncategorized Day 3 highlights and announcement of Sweden as Guest Country Partner 2017 The last day of the Digital Enterprise Show 2016 Event kept going with the Mastermind Congress, Digital Market Planet and Digital Demos and Women Leadership programs. Besides, we knew... 31 May, 2016
Sin categorizar Uncategorized Open Innovation Marketplace, el lugar de encuentro para las nuevas ideas y los nuevos modelos de negocio más disruptivos Durante todo el día, DES2016 se ha convertido en el punto de encuentro para grandes empresas y start-ups. Unas en busca de talento e ideas, y otras en busca... 31 May, 2016
Uncategorized The European Digital Mindset Awards awarded in its first edition the most outstanding projects and professionals in digital transformation The European Digital Mindset Awards recognize the most innovative proposals that present a disruptive approach to Customer Experience, IT Management and new digital business models. Values such as innovation, leadership,... 27 May, 2016
Uncategorized The meeting point for new ideas and the most disruptive business models The second day of DES2016 has become the meeting point for both corporations and start-ups. The former, looking for talent and ideas, and the later, looking for financial and logistic... 26 May, 2016
Uncategorized Fujitsu World Tour 2016 and DES: a win win scenario Fujitsu has accommodated it’s annual event Fujitsu World Tour 2016 as part of the DES2016 event. Fujitsu World Tour 2016 showcases the most technological and sophisticated digital transformation proposals of... 26 May, 2016
Uncategorized Digital Predator or Digital Prey by Forrester Nigel Fenwick, Forrester VP & Principal Analyst, was the speaker in the morning keynote on the second day of the DES2016 event. His presentation “Digital Predator or Digital Prey” was... 26 May, 2016
Uncategorized Security, key to empower the digital transformation Cybersecurity is another huge issue in DES 2016. The security sessions are concentrated in the first day of this event, so they have been pretty intense and dense, going from... 25 May, 2016
Uncategorized The public sector transformation Digital transformation is relevant for private companies, but it is important for public ones as well. The public sector has to face digitalization sooner or later to fit into the... 25 May, 2016