Transformación digital 3D Design & Additive Manufacturing Solutions in Industry 4.0 How has 3D design changed our lives? These are some additive manufacturing solutions in industry 4.0 that you will probably like. 8 April, 2019
Digital Marketing Transformación digital 10 Marketing Automation Tools That Could Transform Your Business When companies grow it is necessary that their processes are optimized. The great flow of information, data, relations with users makes it necessary to automate processes. The marketing automation is... 25 April, 2019
Transformación digital 4 Key Actions to Transform Your Procurement Organization Before diving into the key actions you can follow to transform your procurement organization, let’s consider a recent scenario I heard from a client. This will give you a better... 29 April, 2019
Transformación digital Digital divide in education The Covid-19 crisis has created the biggest experiment of digitalization and teleworking. With all the people at home to protect themselves from the virus, employees have to telecommuting and children’s... 7 April, 2020
Digital Transformation Transformación digital COVID-19, una oportunidad para la transformación del ecosistema de la Salud Estamos inmersos en un capítulo de la historia, que las próximas generaciones, observarán desde la distancia temporal, pero que dará sentido a muchas de las realidades que vivirán. La pandemia... 17 April, 2020