10-12 JUNE 2025 | MÁLAGA - FYCMA

Lucía Martínez

AR Hotels & Resorts
Lucía Martínez

I started my career at Accenture, developing and implementing core banking solutions for the main Spanish banks. For 9 years I became an expert in functional and technical banking solutions, but also specialized my career as sw project manager. In 2014 I decided to join Santander Technology in UK, where I focus my career in digital projects, leading one of the most important projects in customer onboarding and banking products ecommerce. During this period the agile methodology was implemented in Santander UK, so I grow up and train as Kanban, Scrum and Modern Agile. In 2022, the chance to explore new challenges came with the opportunity of joining AR Hotels & Resorts as CIO, a different sector, a different day to day, and a different work environment. During these 2.5 years I’ve learned all about tourism and hospitality sector, but also had the opportunity to bring to a scaling company the best practises from the world top tech companies. At the beginning of 2024 I started a parallel position as VP of IT at WAM Global, a professional services company specialized in CRM, eCom and Marketing solutions.
