10-12 JUNE 2025 | MÁLAGA - FYCMA

Lito Navarro

Innovation Consultant and XR Producer
Lito and Company
Lito Navarro

I consider myself an explorer of trends in technology applied to life and business.
My purpose is to replicate and amplify life with technology, and that’s what I’ve been doing for the last 35 years. I believe we are living on a technological convergence, accelerated by generative AI, and facing the conquering of interpersonal space computing.

On my side of XR producer, I’m involved in several XR projects, Dreaming Goya cultural XR experience, A digital twin of a data center in Madrid, and a neurological XR rehabilitation platform for people with hearing loss.

On the side of teaching, training, and mentoring, on Generativa AI for education and research at ESIC, mentoring and teaching on disruptive technologies for Mahou San Miguel teams through The Valley Business School. Teaching and talks about, metaverse, spatial computing, and disruption technologies at several business schools.

I’m happy to talk about how I can help you with your challenges.
