Volver a Blog Roberto García Torrente 19 May, 2022 Agricultural Engineer at the University of Córdoba. Diploma of Advanced Studies in Applied Economics from the University of Almería. Stays at the University of Aberdeen (United Kingdom) and Angers (France). Deputy Director General and Director of Sustainable Development of Cajamar Caja Rural President Cajamar Foundation Chairman and CEO of Plataforma Tierra, S.A. It is an initiative of the Cajamar Cooperative Group to promote the digitization of the agri-food sector. Director of Agrifood Innovation at Cajamar Caja Rural, being responsible for the agrifood experimentation centers of Las Palmerillas (Almería) and Paiporta (Valencia), of the Service for Studies and Publishing of Publications related to the agrifood sector and of the School of Training and Transfer for agents of the food chain. I have participated in rural development projects within the framework of the European Leader initiative, as managing director of the Filabres-Alhamilla Rural Development Association (Almería) I have developed a cooperation project in El Salvador with the NGO Entreculturas. Numerous publications and conferences related to rural development, fruit and vegetable marketing, agri-food cooperatives, value chain, innovation, etc.