10-12 JUNE 2025 | MÁLAGA - FYCMA

Multiplying Innovation in the Age of Experiential Retail

Wed 22 May | 12:00 - 12:20

Co-organized with:

Traditional searching experiences are replaced by contextual discovery experiences, where products and services find customers. Passive shoppers become, when contextually engaged, active customers. Channels no longer exist, replaced by a growing number of interfaces to the consumer – whether human, digital, through connected products, robots, or marketplaces. Content is purposed for each touch of the customer journey. And consumers monetize their data in exchange for more tailored services as consent becomes the new loyalty currency.

Retail transformation embracing both short term financial performance objectives and long term innovation goals, requires a new, single strategy to develop common digital data cores for systems of record and systems of engagement. This presentation will discuss the following key topics leveraging IDC Retail Insights research, thought leadership and several retail examples to demonstrate the art of the possible as retailers further strengthen their innovation roadmaps:

• Retail innovation trends: missions, maturity, and key strategies

• Customer experience directions in retail: the 3Cs of CX – consent, conversations, customer journeys

• The digital platform in retail: retail commerce platform and the role of AI