10-12 JUNE 2025 | MÁLAGA - FYCMA

AI at the heart of Health Industry Revolution

Wed 22 May | 12:20 - 13:00

Co-organized with:

AI is one of the most capable technologies that can authentically improve human lives, a critical clinical decision support tool that is opening a brand new world for clinicians: from predictions of diseases to a more accurate patients’ diagnosis, to design tailored remote care programs, to drug discovery and launch of new medical customized solutions.

However many critical issues, challenges and obstacles lies ahead: standardization of the patient generated health data; access to data regulation, data interoperability, privacy and security issues, storage and ownership of medical records, etc. How the AI health ecosystems are being shaped, what role will play the stakeholders (health players, tech players, governments, etc.), which limitations and solutions are ahead, where and who are the players ahead of the industry now and how is the new care model being reimagined.