The mobility sector and transport innovations are causing cities to plan differently. The future of urban mobility and smart cities is made up of some elements that point towards the reduction of private cars, the commitment to renewable energies and the use of big data.

Although many of the urban mobility decisions are aimed at reducing traffic and reducing congestion in cities, this is a challenge that has not yet been achieved, a topic that has been discussed and promoted with the intention and desire to arouse trends to change course. Within these elements, we have multifunctional streets, more public transport and the use of the bicycle.

Within the analysis in the transport sector, for the future of urban mobility; We would have to talk about the objectives that have been proposed so far. Like the reduction of CO2 emissions, which has increased significantly, in recent years. Transportation is today, the main source of pollution in cities. And, in addition, an “accelerator of death”, according to WHO.

Urban mobility is everyone’s business

Among the measures that are being established and the proposals proposed by the big cities, as well as in some European cities, is the promotion of the electric vehicle, the use of this measure requires some components and alternatives, for example; For this to occur, the provision of charging points is vital and cities must plan their installation based on energy sources and demand in the area.

One of the practical solutions that are being established in some autonomous communities such as Catalonia, the Basque Country, and which has also become a mandatory instrument as a corporate transport plan is the shared mobility that has been thought of as smart planning tools to improve the urban mobility of the employees, both in the journeys of home to work and in the routes, punctual, and by professional subjects, the initiative is directed to innovative proposals, like the dynamic shuttle on demand, or the ride sharing among others.

These alternatives will bring significant savings, in time and money, both to companies and to employees themselves. The future of urban mobility and smart cities is aimed at making technology a more sustainable metropolis, faster and cheaper, thanks to innovation.

Like the other fields of life, urban mobility becomes smarter every time. The appropriate use of technology will allow us to have more efficient, ecological and intelligent cities.