10-12 JUNE 2025 | MÁLAGA - FYCMA

Artificial Intelligence & Data Science serial entrepreneur with 5 Digital Startups co-founded since 1995 + 2 intrapreneur ventures for a Fortune500. Keynote lecturer & associate professor with 300+ conferences internationally, Artificial Intelligence advisor to CEO’s and boards, Author of the book “Automate or Be Automated” & “From Big Data to Artificial Intelligence”, Deep Learning + Computational NeuroScience Algorithmist.

“We are moving from the digital to the fully automated world, discover why we all must be active agents of the automation of ourselves, our work, our societies and of our world, learn how, in the definitive guide about Automation, and thrive before it is too late!”





We are very happy to announce that David is one of our TOP SPEAKERS for our 5th edition between the 18th and the 20th of May in MADRID- IFEMA. His speech will take place on the last day at 18.00 pm in the Main Auditorium – Towards the last human CEO. You can find more information about his session here:

More about David: www.vivancos.com & books @ https://amazon.com/author/davidvivancos

[ENG] https://www.amazon.es/dp/B086HP4W6G

[ESP] https://www.amazon.es/dp/B086Z5RPTZ