10-12 JUNE 2025 | MÁLAGA - FYCMA

Rosa Gorriz

Stellium Business School
Rosa Gorriz

For nearly 20 years, I’ve contributed to people’s success by providing value from various angles: mentoring, training, consulting, and entrepreneurship.

To achieve this, I founded and managed a Business School in marketing and digital business for almost a decade. Then I attended a master’s in personal development and leadership, which allowed me to realign my values and life purpose.
Currently, I lead STELLIUM BUSINESS SCHOOL, where we work to support individuals and organizations towards more agile management models with a focus on people and organizational purpose.

I have a large experience in cultural and organizational transformation, Agile frameworks, business and management, process improvement and seeding & growing startups. This experience, combined with my purpose of supporting individuals in their personal and professional growth, is what led me to create my current company: Stellium.
