10-12 JUNE 2025 | MÁLAGA - FYCMA

Oscar Lozano

CIO & Head of Digital Transformation
Oscar Lozano

Acesur, a leader in Spain’s agricultural digital transformation and the olive oil sector, has modernized its business model using strategic technology. IT expert Mr. Lozano has played a key role in Acesur’s transition into the digital era, with over two decades of experience in leveraging technology to boost business efficiency. Acesur has developed Machine Learning models to optimize agricultural production and improve quality control. Notably, their predictive model for olive oil production utilizes ML to analyze weather and historical data, significantly enhancing production forecasts and reducing waste. This has also aided Acesur in achieving sustainability goals. Additionally, ML helps categorize and grade olive oils with high precision, ensuring consistent quality and meeting global customer preferences. Mr. Lozano champions the digitalization of agriculture as essential for business benefits and tackling global issues like food security and sustainability.
