10-12 JUNE 2025 | MÁLAGA - FYCMA

Miguel Marin Cobos

Vicepresidente 1º del Gobierno de Melilla y Consejero de Economía, Comercio, Innovación Tecnológica, Turismo y Fomento
Gobierno de Melilla
Miguel Marin Cobos

Miguel Marín Cobos, born in Melilla on November 18, 1968, is a distinguished professional with extensive academic credentials in Law, Labor Relations, and Insurance (UNED, UGR, EFEM). His career spans significant business and political roles, including Vice President of the Government of Melilla and Counselor in various sectors. Currently, he practices law and holds key positions as Deputy, Spokesperson, and Secretary-General of the Popular Party in Melilla. His multifaceted experience makes him a valuable speaker at technological events.
