10-12 JUNE 2025 | MÁLAGA - FYCMA

Javier Valverde

Caña Nature
Javier Valverde

Javier Valverde Holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy, is Master in Pharmaceutical Marketing (University of Granada), Diploma in Senior Business Management (Instituto Internacional San Telmo) and Master in Marketing and Consumer Behaviour (University of Granada).
CEO at Caña Nature, a company part of La Caña Industrial Group. In addition, Associate Professor in Marketing and Market Research (University of Granada), position that has made compatible with his executive responsibilities in several companies.
From 2010 to September of 2017, has contributed, as General Manager, to the creation and start-up of the Functional Food Research and Development Technological Centre (CIDAF) in the Health Sciences Technology Park, to which he is still linked as founder and secretary of its Foundation.
Since 1989 has held several positions of marketing director and general manager in various companies in the consumer sector as Aguas de Lanjaron, Energizer, Cervezas Alhambra, and others.
