10-12 JUNE 2025 | MÁLAGA - FYCMA

The ultimate personalization: driving Guest experience to the next level leveraging on Big Data & Analytics

Wed 22 May | 13:20 - 13:40

Co-organized with:

Luca Pronzati will introduce to the audience MSC for Me, the digital transformation program launched by MSC Cruises across its next generation smart ships as a best example on how cutting-edge technology can enhance customer experience by simplifying the life onboard. Mr. Pronzati will then focus on ZOE, the world’s first Virtual Personal Cruise Assistant, recently launched on MSC Cruises’ flag ship the MSC Bellissima. Zoe is voice-enabled, found in every cabin who can answer to hundreds of questions about the on-board experience. Mr. Pronzati will also describe how MSC Cruises is already planning for the future with the next phase of evolution that will introduce further personalisation as part of the one-to-one engagement strategy, anticipating Guests’ needs and desires, by leveraging on Big Data & Analytics and conversational design.