10-12 JUNE 2025 | MÁLAGA - FYCMA

FutureScape: Future of Work 2019 Predictions

Tue 21 May | 11:00 - 11:20

Co-organized with:

Future of Work: From What to How
Most companies are puzzled and overly cautious about defining and deploying their Future of Work vision, but delaying this transformation is no longer a viable approach. Whether it is millennials requiring new workstyles, the digital skills shortage, task and process automation, or human-machine collaboration, organizations are required to take action. A successful transformation needs a concerted effort addressing all dimensions of future of work: force, space and culture. This session will highlight IDC’s Future of Work vision through the lens of the 2019 top 10 predictions:
• Workculture, Workspace and Workforce; playing in the New Normal
• How digital technologies enable a secure way to work from anywhere and anytime
• What companies are doing and how they should prepare their FoW Journey