10-12 JUNE 2025 | MÁLAGA - FYCMA

Digitally Determined Utilities and Energy Companies

Tue 21 May | 12:00 - 12:20

Co-organized with:

Utilities across the world are radically transforming their business. This is happening despite different regulatory regimes and across the diverse electricity, gas, water, and waste businesses. Technology is changing, for instance, how energy is produced, transported, consumed, and conserved. Customers are not just raising experience expectations, they are becoming prosumers, taking an active role in energy markets. New business models are emerging. The same is happening to Oil&Gas companies, challenged by decarbonization, transport electrification, market turmoil and increasing operational complexity. These industries have the ultimate goal to be relevant, manage risk and grant resilience. And digital is a key constituent to achieve the goal.

This session will highlight IDC’s view on the DX journey these industries are going through:
• Energy and digital technology driving change across the Utilities and Oil&Gas
• Digital maturity in these industries and what separates “digitally determined” from ‘digitally distraught’ companies
• Common obstacles to digital transformation and how to overcome them – A rule of thumb to get digital done