11-13 JUNE 2024 | MÁLAGA - FYCMA

Alejandro Costa Jiménez

Éxxita Be Circular
Alejandro Costa Jiménez

Alejandro Costa Jiménez, CEO and founder of Éxxita Be Circular. 20 years ago he decided to start a business in the equipment repair and maintenance market. This first step, together with a permanent attitude of innovation and evolution in the business model that permeates all the company’s processes and teams, has today managed to make Éxxita Be Circular the leading company in the comprehensive and intelligent management of the life cycle of technological devices from Southern Europe.
More than 500,000 devices recovered on average per year, operational capacity in 60 countries, or the development of its own technology based on Artificial Intelligence that collects the know-how accumulated in these 20 years position the company as a benchmark in Circular Economy.
The maxim during his career, “make a lot of mistakes and make mistakes quickly” to be able to incorporate learning into business improvement, and surround himself with capable people who see every change as an opportunity.
