I am Henry, a lover of mathematics and programming. Since the beginning of my studies I have always been focused on statistics and data, I have gone through various companies working in the data science area and currently I have decided to found my own company in the area of ​​computer vision a couple of years ago.

DES Show is one of the most important events for Startups in Spain. This event will help us make ourselves known and the 5-minute pitch that we will do will allow us to show our capabilities and the developments that we can commercialize.

At Vision Analytics, we use artificial neural networks capable of detecting almost any object in an image, in order to increase the security of spaces and at the same time extract data.

Other companies have few solutions, their algorithms are poor of precision and require hardware. We are far from all those situations.

Our data augmentation algorithms allow a single image to be multiplied by more than 50, making our neural networks robust with only a small dataset.

So the process of our services is very simple to explain: tell me what object you want to detect, give me access to the images and Vision Analytics will be able to train an AI capable of detecting almost any object and deploy the processing on the device of your choice. Once the object is detected, the post processing is as configurable as desired.

We have achieved all this by developing artificial intelligence in an efficient, reliable and, above all, ethical way, since at Vision Analytics we detect any object while respecting privacy.

We are Vision Analytics, computer vision for smart decisions.